Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our Goodbye...

Yesterday we had our goodbye dinner with the Home and Life Orphanage.  We drove up to this 
beautiful sight.  How cute is that?  They are seriously THE greatest people I have ever met.  
We went to work finishing painting the toilet area for them.  They were now able to start adding their own personal touches to the walls!

A few spills...

That little Charlotte could never be sidetracked for more than 10 sec.  She was always right back where everybody was wanting to help.  Notice she is painting on the back wall--I covered her drawings with some very large hearts!

After we got cleaned up the face painting began.  This was so fun to watch!

The kids loved it.  We then ate another delicious dinner by Kate.  She is amazing how she cooks for that many people every day.  I wish I could bring home some recipies!

I am going to miss these outdoor dinners so much.  There is something about sharing a meal together.

After dinner we went in for a little party.  We laughed so hard.  Boy had everyone act out this funny little song about bats and chickens and how we were going to get them with something hot.  It was hilarious.

Go Sammy, go Sammy! These 3 are all Sam's!  The one on the left is a volunteer from England.   
(I wanted to add some of the video of this, but the video after my video was not appropriate.  Does anyone know how to download from youtube and not have a video follow it?)

It then turned into a fun dance where everyone broke loose...

They then put a video on.  I thought we were going to watch a little movie, but  Bay had made a video from pictures throughout the last couple of weeks and put it to music.  That is when it all hit me and boy did the tears start rolling.  It is so hard to leave a place with people that you have grown to love so much not knowing when you will ever get to see them again.  I think I am so endeared to them because I want so much to become more like them.  Selfless, happy, content, giving, and full of peace and gratitude.  They all have what is best for the other person at the top of their minds.  This home has the most special feeling to it.

After seeing all of our memories put to music, they then brought this out.
I LOVE THIS!!  It is going to be hung right where we can see it all day long.  It will be a constant reminder of all that we felt and learned here in Thailand. 

It was time to say our goodbyes.  Nobody was looking forward to it. 

Love that Brandon is getting kissed here-so incredibly priceless

Goodbye for now, but I have no doubt we will be back someday.  They will be remembered by us as those who taught us how to really live.  We love you Home and Life!

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